Learning Tools
Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. (Chinese proverb)
To study with me online, you will need:
a reliable internet connection for Skype / Whatsapp or Zoom video calls
a shared workspace, such as OneNote and Microsoft Whiteboard for notetaking and building a resource library that you can refer to at your convenience. An advantage of OneNote is that you can easily access your notes on your phone - great for revising last thing at night and first thing in the morning!
A free Quizlet account to help you learn vocabulary
Recommended: A graphics tablet (approx £30 on Amazon) is a handy accessory for shared whiteboard activities.
A note about online tuition:
Once the initial technical set-up is complete, learning online can be highly effective. Here's why:​
Many of the younger generation feel at home with laptops, apps and online software, which leads to increased engagement. The techno-comfort factor helps to put people at ease, which is ideal for quality learning.
It can be less intimidating for a student to be interacting via a computer from the 'un-invaded' privacy of their home rather than in the physical presence of an adult teacher. It is less formal, the tutee is more relaxed, less pressurised, and less 'on the spot'. Consequently they can be more receptive to new ideas, bolder in their attempts, and less afraid of making mistakes.
It saves on travel time, costs, and the associated difficulties of traffic, parking and time wasted due to lateness.
It reduces the spread of coughs and colds!